Saint Lucia


The Route to Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment

An island reflecting the magnificence of nature with its white sand beaches, green mountaintops and rain forests, Saint Lucia’s CBI was initiated in 2015, under the Citizenship Investment Act. The geographical location of the island along the equator guarantees and tropical atmosphere throughout the year. With investments starting from USD 100,000, in four different streams, Saint Lucia’s citizenship can be acquired through a simple process, while receiving returns on investment and access to 146 countries across the globe.

At Igmigration,, we have an efficacious and discerning team with a complete understanding of the different investment options and the complete process of the acquisition of passport. We facilitate the clients throughout the process, from earmarking of the real-estate property to funding, and onwards to the submission of documentation.


Salient Benefits of the Program


Visa-free travel

holders of Saint Lucia passport can travel to 145 countries including the Schengen countries freely and can either obtain vise on arrival or online as well.

Minimal Physical Presence Required

it gives the benefit to the investor to acquire the citizenship without residing there.


Return on Investment

During five to seven years the investors have to hold the investment, they are facilitated with the returns on the invested amounts in real-estate and government bonds. In addition, the property can be sold once the designated period has passed.

US B1/B2 Visa

Through the tourist visa for US, the passport holder can get access for a 10-year period during which time they can stay in the US for six-months each year, for a wide array of reasons including tourism, business and medical treatments.


Tax Optimization

Residents of Saint Lucia are exempted from paying taxes on salaries, capital gains, or inheritance. Social contribution for employees are 5% of their salaries.

Investment Options

Option 1

Non-Refundable Contribution – $100,000

Donations are made to the National Economic Fund by investors. The money from the fund is used by the Saint Lucia government for things like healthcare, education, tourism, culture, and renewable energy. The donation has no cash value and is non-refundable.

 InvestorMarried CoupleFamily of 4 excluding siblingsFamily of 5 or more people
Contribution to the Fund$100,000$140,000$150,000$150,000

+ $15,000 per family per family from the fifth applicant

Due Diligence$7,500$12,500$7,500 for the investor and $5000 per family member over 16 years old$7,500 for the investor and $5000 per family member over 16 years old
Other Fees$3,050$4,550$6,550+$8,550+

Option 2

Bonds Purchase – $250,000+

The first option available to the applicants is acquisition of passport through purchase of bonds worth USD 500,000/-. An additional option which was launched during the COVID pandemic is purchase of the same bonds at 50% discount, for USD 250,000/-. The latter option will discontinue after December 2022.

 InvestorMarried CoupleFamily of 4 excluding siblingsFamily of 5 or more people
Purchase of Bonds$250,000$250,000$250,000$250,000
Administrative Fee$30,000$30,000$30,000$30,000
Due Diligence$7,500$12,500$7,500 for the investor and $5000 per family member over 16 years old$7,500 for the investor and $5000 per family member over 16 years old
Other Fees$3,050$4,550$6,550+$8,550+

Option 3

Real Estate Purchase – $300,000+

The property can be sold after five years of holding period.

 InvestorMarried CoupleFamily of 4Family of 5 or more
Purchase of Real Estate$300,000$300,000$300,000$300,000
Administrative Fee$30,000$45,100$30,000 per investor

+$15,000 for spouse

+$5,000 for each family member up to18 years old

+$10,000 for each family 18 years old/older

$30,000 per investor

+$15,000 for spouse

+$5,000 for each family member up to18 years old

+$10,000 for each family 18 years old/older

+$10,000 for each family member from 5th

Due Diligence$7,500$12,500$7,500 for the investor and $5000 per family member over 16 years old$7,500 for the investor and $5000 per family member over 16 years old
Other Fees$3,050$5,000$8,000$10,000

Saint Lucia Citizenship Application Process

Igmigration conducts its own preliminary due diligence check to identify the rejection risks and find a solution in advance by only obtaining the passport of the client. The investor can take the due diligence test to check his chances for the citizenship. The investor can go to the Due Diligence Test and assess himself.

Our professional team will assess the client throughout the several investment options available with all the pros and cons of the available options and will give a brief overview of the Turkish real estate market.

We will assess you in the donation program or either picking minimum of $200,000 worth of properties from the vast variety of exclusive projects which best suits the client’s investment and lifestyle needs.

The investor will provide all the required documents which are necessary for the citizenship and the application will be submitted.

OSaint Lucia CBI section receives the completed documentation from the attorneys. An investigation starts after the applicant has paid the due diligence charge. Every family member who is older than 16 must go through a due diligence check.

Igmiration is informed by the CBI unit of the investor's application's outcome. Within 90 days of receiving approval, the investor completes the investment requirement by making a contribution to the state fund or purchasing real estate.

Following the fulfilment of the investment requirement, a passport and a certificate of naturalization are issued in 4 weeks.

Saint Lucia Document List

For your convenience, the following forms are referred to as:

  • Form C1: Application for Citizenship;
  • Form C2: Photograph and Signature Certificate;
  • Form C3: Medical Certificate with the original HIV test results (HIV test is required for all persons applying for citizenship including children over 12 years). Note: The results of the HIV test cannot be more than three months old.

Forms of National Economic Fund

  • Escrow/Investment Confirmation Agreement (Form C4)

Forms for real estate

  • A fully executed Purchase and Sales Agreement (Approved Real Estate Investment Option)

Documents that must be submitted:

  • Forms C1, C2, AND C3 completed
  • A certified copy of the birth certificate or the original extract from the complete birth record.
  • Certified copy of the name-change documentation (Deed Polls or jurisdictional equivalent, if applicable)
  • A certified copy of the most recent national identification card (children under the age of 16 are exempted)
  • Certified copies of any current passports that include the holder’s name, photo, citizenship or nationality, date and location of issue, passport number, and nation of issuance.
  • HIV test results must be more than three months old (children under the age of 12 are exempted)
  • Police clearance certificate or “certificate of no criminal record” from your place of citizenship and any other nation you have been in for more than a year over the previous ten years (children under the age of 16 are exempted)
  • 6 recent 35 x 45mm images, taken within the last six (6) months (N.B. one of the photographs must be certified and attached to the C2 form)

Additional information required from the principal applicant includes:

  • At least one authentic professional reference that is no more than six months old, such as one from an official accountant, lawyer, notary public, or other professional of comparable standing.
  • Bank statements going back a year from the application filing date
  • At least one original bank reference letter that is no more than six months old and was written by a bank with worldwide recognition.
  • Exemption from military service or a certified copy of military records (if applicable)
  • 1 original document serving as proof of residence (e.g. certified copy of a recent utility bill or bank statement showing full name and address)
  • Job letter(s) detailing employment history, title held, and compensation received • Certified copy of business license or incorporation documentation
  • 1 original excerpt from the marriage record or, if appropriate, 1 certified copy of the marriage certificate(s) (i.e. if married persons apply together).
  • Certified copies of the divorce papers (if applicable).
  • A declaration and proof of the source of the money to be invested in Dominica
  • Financial Support Affidavit for Applicants Between the Ages of 18 and 30
  • Certified copies of academic credentials (if applicable)
  • Limitation of Power of Attorney

Answers to frequently asked questions

No one guarantees that you will obtain citizenship by investment. Igmigration has a Compliance Department which conducts preliminary due diligence check of the applicants to identify the rejection risk and find best solution to overcome with that risk. Due to this most of our clients successfully pass the Due Diligence and get citizenship.

Under the Saint Lucia scheme, investors may recover their investment 5 years later, they can sell a stock or piece of real estate. Throughout their whole ownership time, they accrue rental income. The investor typically earns 2–5% annually.
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